Friday, July 11, 2008

July 12th on the 11th

Tomorrow is Saturday.

A new day. A fresh day to start anew and over with many things.

So this is what I want to do; I want to begin some new habits. Begin some new disciplines. I want to be me. Do the things that give me, life. I once heard that it takes something like, 28 days of doing something in a row before it becomes a habit. Tomorrow begins a journey towards those 28 days and end to some other journeys.

Getting up early and writing over a cup of coffee, while leaving plenty of room to read. I want to begin to read roughly 50 pages a day. More than what I can probably bite off, ok then, 25 pages to start of with. After writing, reading and coffee drinking, it would nice to take my beautiful Golden on a 10-15 minute walk where we bond and stretch his legs. After that come home, spend time with my bride and shower, then go to work. Where I begin the day with morning prayer.

Prayer, yet another discipline I would like to pick up. Noticing, I would assume, from my other posts, it is pretty obvious I struggle with prayer. Worried too much about what others think and not searching deep within to pray with God. My prayer time then would go into my study where I pray, listening for God's voice. Shaping my day and life around the hours of prayer, praying the liturgy and using other spiritual exercises. My next prayer adventure I want to experience is praying with icons. Thanks to a small book by Nouwen, this will soon be available to me.

I just want to get back to the things that I want to do and stop doing those things that I don't want to do. For when I want to do those things, I often find reasons not to do it but the things I ought not to do I too find reasons why I should do them. Crazy I know. But so is life and Jesus.

My dog makes me laugh! So does my guitar playing!

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