Thursday, July 3, 2008

Unified Hypocrisy

My heart continues to be heavy. Although the purpose of this blog was to allow the critic inside to get his opinion in early, today is slightly different as I am writing a little later than normal. With this said, surround voices from the life which is Adam, has made a difference and slightly influenced the day already. Yet, God is still there, with a hope of something to come for today.

Today is a day when I will meet with youth to discuss the student leadership responsibility that I have asked them to take on. These particular students have demonstrated what I think it takes to be a leaders amongst their peers. Yet, as I find myself explaining and laying out the blueprints as to what this task is, I feel like a hypocrite. Do I do all that I can to fulfill or follow what it is I have asked our youth to do? I guess then my hope is that through this experience, I begin to lean closer to the bosom of Christ and finding a sense of peace that will still my soul.

Hostility. This is what takes the unification of the body of Christ and flushed right down the potty. Church members arguing over what paint to paint the fellowship hall or what carpet to get, while someone comes to the door with no money, nothing on their back but the clothes they wear. What makes people want to be a part of the church if this is what ministry is based off of? Paul says that once the Gentiles were far away from God but they have been brought near to him because of the blood of Christ. What about now? Are we so far away from God that we miss Christ on a daily basis? By this I mean that we get so distracted as to what color stole we wear, or again with the paint, or what song we cannot sing because of who and when it was written, that in the everyday happenings of life, we miss the holy. We miss the opportunity to see Christ in those around us because of the inflictions we bring to one another? Oneness and peace of Christ, does the church even know what this is?

Today I still have a fascination with the closed communion policy in the Roman Catholic church. Although I used to get frustrated over this and use to think that they, being my brothers and sisters in the Roman Catholic faith, would go to hell because they worship idols and people, now I find it beautiful. Why you ask? Because, if we were all allowed to participate in the holy communion, we would be lied too. Yes the Eucharist is where all are needs are met and it is around the common table that we can encounter the Christ himself, but at the same time, it is also a table where we can come to realize that we have a long way to go. It should be a constant reminder that we are not unified yet, that there is no oneness in Christ and that HOSTILITY is still very much playing like a cancer cell in the life of the church. As Christ death brought the Jews and Gentiles hostility to dissipate, so it is my prayer today that someday, our hostility amongst denominations, other faith traditions, but of most importance, people of the same body, may one day go and never come back. Until then, I live a life of hypocrisy. But my hope lies in Christ, that is what pushes me each day.

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